Din is one chilled cookie who enjoys his morning cycling sessions. He’s an Airborne & Satellite Radar Specialist who is now semi-retired and has taken a serious liking to recreational cycling. Making the most of his now (plenty of!) free time, he rides as often as he can and partakes in grueling triathlons. Photobook had a chat with him on cycling and other things.
Archive for February, 2017
Photobook Interviews: Sriram Krishnan
February 10th, 2017 |
By Soff |
Posted in Inspirations
Sriram Krishnan was in with the scene back when startups were building up, back in the day before SoundCloud or Spotify. He’s an entrepreneur of sorts, and greatly believes in the ability of a startup to shape markets and drive social change. We spoke with him on the phone about how he got to where he is today and the very thing he’s passionate about – startups.