Create Your Wedding Reception Seating Plan In 5 Steps



Ideally, you would receive all the RSVPs and regrets a month ahead of your big day which will then help you finalise your wedding reception seating plan. 

Assigning your guests to their seats is no easy feat because there are plenty of things to consider when you’re playing hosts. Having said that, we highly recommend assigned seating rather than free seating for multiple reasons.

Firstly, it’ll help maximise the capacity of each table (and your budget). With free seating, guests tend to stick to familiar faces and occupy tables, which may turn off more introverted guests who would have otherwise taken the empty seats. When every guest has a seat of his or her own, you’ll save them from the awkwardness of wandering or standing aimlessly! 

Without further ado, here’s a step-by-step to help you put your seating plan together. 


Step 1: Decide where you and your bride/groom will sit. 

You have the option of sitting together exclusively at the sweetheart table, facing your guests, or you’ll share the main table with your parents and his/hers, along with immediate family members. In Asian culture especially, where it is crucial to respect the elders, do prioritise your grandparents (over say, your siblings) if there is a limited number of seats left on the main table.


Step 2: Keep your wedding party close 

It’s a nice gesture to acknowledge your bride squad and groomsmen for their contributions to your nuptials, so consider placing them in the best tables after your own and your parents’. 

Step 3: Let your parents seat their friends and other family members

They would have a number of tables reserved for their friends so let them take over this bit of the seating arrangement. As for distant family members, your parents would probably know whether to seat together or separate your two aunties who are in a love-hate relationship.

Step 4: Group your guests

Ideally, you would want to categorise each table by your social affiliations including high school friends, university mates, colleagues, and volunteering or hobby groups. However, the number of guests in each group may not always tally with the number of seats on each table. If the circumstance arises that require you to assign friends from different social groups to the same table, it’s helpful to gather ones who already know each other and get along. Otherwise, take in consideration the age, interests, and backgrounds of these friends you’re about to arrange together.


While you’re busy gathering birds of the same feather, be careful to separate guests who have shared an unpleasant past and may not want to be reminded of it!

Step 5: Use place cards, table signs, escort cards or seating charts

These stationery and prints are extremely handy in helping your guests navigate through your wedding reception. Your seating chart should sit outside the reception area, bearing the names of every guest and their assigned table.


Make your seating chart out of our Poster Print.

Alternatively you can display individual escort cards, which function on the same premise: escort guests to their tables!


Our Insta Cards make perfect escort cards.

The table sign is obviously a must. It’s typically numbered, but feel free to classify it with images or names of say, destinations you and your SO have visited together or your favourite desserts. Make sure this is reflected in your seating chart or escort cards, if you do.


Display your table number with our Tall Insta Card, propped beautifully on a wood stand.

Place cards are essential if your guests are assigned by seat (not just by table), and they make a great personal touch. Positioned at individual seats, they mark the guest’s name and if applicable, their menu selections or dietary practice to aid the catering staff with their plating service.


Personalise your place cards easily with our Mini Square or Petite Insta Cards.


Bear in mind guests who use wheelchairs, and reserve them a spot where it is open and easy to manoeuvre. You may also want to position the elders further away from the performing band or speakers!



A Practical Wedding


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