
Simple Book: A Step-by-Step Guide


Let’s be honest – hardly anyone carries a bulky or compact camera anymore wherever they go (unless you’re a pro photographer). Your smartphone is now your best bet when it comes to photo snapping everything everywhere and eventually gives you an overflowing camera roll by the end of the day.

We know how precious it is for you to keep all the happy moments close to you but it doesn’t have to overload your phone’s memory. Our clever little Photobook App can give your phone a breather while still keeping those meaningful photographs in a book! 

Find out about it now!


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The Ultimate Back-to-School Essentials

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Summer is over which means reality a.k.a school is back on!

Some may feel excited while most feel the anxiety to return to school after a long break. Like they say, all good things will come to an end so getting your kids back to study mode is essential to beat the post-holiday blues (but not forgetting the summer memories!).

Aside from the usual way of preparing for school, how about taking the chance to create customized school supplies to remind your kids about the fun holiday they had? Spend the last few summer days with them to personalize these supplies which will also get their minds prepared when school re-opens.

We’ve listed down some awesome things you can gear your kids up with!


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What You Can Do With Our Photobooks

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What makes a book interesting lies further than its cover. In fact, the content is all you need to convey a strong sentiment. Get a book you can personalise to express what means most to you. Just choose a photo book from our selections and highlight your favourite memories that gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling.

Besides keeping your memories alive, did you know our photo book are capable of being more than just photo albums?

We’ve listed down a few ideas to get you rolling so check it out!



5 Bright Ideas for A Summer Wedding

The summer is here which also means the sun is out to play. It may be warmer but the season also exudes a brighter ambiance for the most glorious wedding of the year. 

Here are some ideas that will help you create a wonderful summer wedding memories.

