Archive for April, 2015

How To Edit Photos: 5 Basic Cropping Tips



You’ve got a ton of really nice photos, some with really angles, details, contrast and all that jazz. But take a closer look and you’ll find there’s a lot of things that can be considered unnecessary.

Here’s five basic tips on how to edit photos, cropping your images to give it that maximum impact.

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Graduation Quotes 2015



Graduation season is coming as school comes full circle. Diplomas, Degrees, Masters, MBAs, PHDs and all else are handed over to the hardworking students who have strived through their semesters to learn not only of their Major, but also of life.

To help you find inspiration as they spread their wings and fly off out into the world, we’ve prepared Graduation Quotes 2015, specially compiled for the class of 2014!

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Super Selfie & Wonder Wefie (Part 2 of 2)


So here we go with part 2 of 2. We’ve already covered taking your selfie at arms length, taking lighting into account as well as looking the part for a good selfie and wefie.

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Mother’s Day Sale!


Here we go again with our second quarter sale of the year! The Mother’s Day Sale brings you a host of our most popular Photobooks and Photo Products at amazing prices for three straight weeks, back to back, giving you the very best to capture all your sweetest Mother’s Day moments with the best Photobooks at the best value.

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