If you’re lucky, you may have seen pictures of our swanky cafeteria or our jaw-dropping deals on various online marketplaces. Perhaps even this cool video we made:
If none of it rings a bell, it’s alright! We are turning 13 years old (minus the teen angst), and it’s imperative that we let you know: we wouldn’t have made it this far without you. Thank you for sharing a glimpse of your lives with us. #magicalmomentsphotobookmoments
And we figured, we should do the same. Just for fun, here are 13 fun facts about Photobook Worldwide – because well, it’s our 13th birthday!
Okay enough about us. We have loads of birthday goodies to give you, so look out for our email updates! Subscribe if you haven’t.
Don’t forget to also pay a visit to our website and explore the wide range of wonderful things we have in store for a fun personalisation experience!
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