A Golden Opportunity This Way Comes

Golden Ticket


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We’ve all read fairy tales with beautiful happy endings and daring adventures. We grew up wanting to be like princes and princesses, treated with admiration and respect. We at Photobook Worldwide believe in giving you the royal treatment, for you are truly amazing and truly golden. We have seen photobooks made by people just like you whose efforts have greatly inspired us through imaginative designs and mind-blowing ideas.

It is these sort of moments that we live for..

Brilliantly crafted books depicting the love of a father to his daughter, the secret garden rendezvous of lovers or even the exotic solo travels of an adventurer through strange lands (he’s a dentist) are among the enchanting tales that went through our printing machines. We’ve even seen a photobook creatively made into a catalogue for tupperwares really stand out from a thousand others simply for its sheer ingenuity.

We’ve said it before, memories are in the making for life is in the living, and it is this golden notion which continues to make us appreciate you even more as the days go by. We want to show you magic exists and that astonishing things can happen – so we’re scheming up something we’ve never done before and we’re going to go epic on it! In a way, we’re looking to give back to you for all the mesmerizing moments you’ve shared with us. We’re honoured by you as you share your most loved memories with us. So keep an eye out for us in the coming weeks as we prepare to launch something totally captivating. It’s a golden opportunity to put forward your photobooking skills and win big, seriously big!

But why are we doing this? It’s no marketing gimmick. Because wholeheartedly.. we love you.

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SUBSCRIBE to us now and get a FREE 6" x 6" Mini Softcover Photobook (40 pages) or 4R Prints (100 Pcs)!

If you require further assistance, please contact our Support Team at support[at]photobookworldwide.com (Please replace the [at] with @)

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